Technology and Math
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Saved by Theresa
on August 12, 2009 at 12:44:09 pm
Technology and Math
Interactive Whiteboards (or projected for the class)
There are great resources for Math at Ed1Stop!
Discovery Streaming and Learn 360- videos about math procedures and topics
Pokeman Learning League- videos and activities to help teach math skills, including angles, order of operations, and more
Teacher Cadre Projects- interactive projects created by CCC teachers
Web tools
- Thinkfinity.org- a searchable database of lessons and other resources from ArtsEdge, EdSitement, NCTM Illuminations, Literacy Network, ReadWriteThink, the Smithsonian, and more partners.
- Interactives and lessons organized by grade level and topic. Not always the most exciting lessons, but seem pretty good for direct instruction support. http://www.aaamath.com/
- Ask Dr. Math- check out questions and answers related to some odd math topics
Primary Math Wiki- For K-2, a really neat way to get kids to think about math in the environment, create examples, and share with a wider audience. This could go so many places- you could create your own version at your site and have students create examples in class to be posted on the wiki. They can share them at home or have other classes visit. http://primarymath.wetpaint.com/
Math Wiki- this example was created by high school students, but a similar page could easily be created in an elementary classroom. You can set up the structure of the site, and students add the content- directions, examples, practice problems, weblinks... http://mathfor.us/Main_Page
Sites with Math PowerPoints
Math Jeopardy- http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/sbjarea/math/MATHJeopardy.htm
Student-created math word problems- http://classroom.jc-schools.net/mather/ppt.html
(They have spelling and grammar mistakes, but can serve as a model for how to use these.)
Inspiration and Kidspiration have templates for math activities.
Kidspiration3 has added many new math tools that could be used on an interactive whiteboard or as a teaching tool with an LCD projector. I especially like the fraction tiles.
InspireData has data files that you can use with students to work on data analysis
Document Camera
The common threads among most discussions of using the document camera in math are a) use it to demonstrate with manipulatives, and b) use it to show how to solve problems. Using it with manipulatives seems like a wise way to take advantage of the technology.
Technology and Math
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